On Saturday, 1 February, after the ecumenical end-of-semester and Church Anniversary service, we will be electing a community council for the KHG for the first time. And we are looking for you as a candidate!
What does a KHG community council actually do?
The KHG is an open place for students and staff at the University of Bayreuth where people from different backgrounds, cultures and religions meet, take part in programmes and organise activities together. Behind this is the Christian idea of a community (communio) in which all people of good will contribute with their talents and ‘gifts of grace’ (charisms), so that a large, lively whole emerges from the commitment of the many individuals.
The task of the KHG Community Council is to keep this idea of community alive, to bring the many different groups into dialogue with each other, to shape and further develop KHG life as a whole. Our basic Christian values – love, peace, justice and the integrity of creation – always form the basis for this.
Who can stand as a candidate for the KHG Community Council?
All students and employees of the University of Bayreuth can run for the KHG community council. We are looking forward to a ‘colourful troop’!
Why should I stand as a candidate?
Among other things, the council gives you the chance to meet nice people, discover new talents, realise your creative ideas with others, try out a leadership role and help shape the life of the KHG democratically!
How long is the KHG community council elected for?
The community council is elected for one semester at a time. The current election period therefore covers the summer semester 2025.
How much time do I need to allow for my involvement in the local council?
The plan is for the local council to meet once during the semester break to get to know each other and make basic arrangements (also online if required) and then approximately every three weeks during the semester, for two hours each time. The exact dates will be arranged as soon as the new community council has been elected.
How many seats are there on the council?
The local council should consist of up to 12 people (m/f/d) in total. Some positions are directly elected; however, it is also possible to run as a ‘normal’ councillor. The exact organisation of the offices and tasks will develop over time.
Which offices can I apply for?
To be elected:
– 2 spokespersons
– 1 secretary
– 1 representative for welcoming culture
– 1 external representative (‘Foreign Minister’)
– 1 representative for internal communication (‘Minister of the Interior’)
– 1 representative for international students
– 5 ‘normal’ councillors.
More information on the individual offices can be found below under ‘Job descriptions of the individual offices’.
How can I apply?
If you would like to apply for an office or a seat on the KHG community council, please send us a short profile by Thursday, 30 January, by email to khg@uni-bayreuth.de, if possible with the following information:
– Picture
– Name
– Degree programme
– Number of semesters
– If you are applying for a specific office: which one?
– One or two sentences on the question: Why do I want to get involved in the local council / Why do I want to take on this office?
That sounds interesting, but I still have a few questions …
Then please contact our pastoral counsellor Barbara Göb (Tel. 0177-6287610, e-mail barbara.goeb@erzbistum-bamberg.de ) or ask one of the current councillors: Erasmus, Theresa, András, Hannes, Lisa, Maximilian, Florian.
Job descriptions of the individual offices
These job descriptions are to be understood as a rough framework. The specific organisation of the offices always depends on the person who is elected. In principle, this person does not have to take on all tasks themselves; they should only feel responsible for ensuring that they are not lost sight of.
– Chairing meetings, invitations, collecting and setting the agenda
– ‘Face’ of the community council: greeting at festivals and celebrations, if possible presence at official KHG events (e.g. Mensa evening, Ronde-ll-Vous …)
– Creating and sending out the minutes of meetings, incorporating feedback
Representative for welcoming culture
– Pay attention to new people at events, actively approach them
– Ensure that KHG programmes are open to new people
– organise the Mensa evening, Freshers’ Day etc. together with full-time staff
– Continue to develop ideas to address and better integrate new students
External representative (‘external minister’)
– Participation in the members‘ meeting and external representatives’ meeting of the federal association
– Contact person for the pub quiz
– Representation of the KHG in external committees such as the pastoral care area council, ACK, StuPa …
Representative for internal communication (‘Minister of the Interior’)
– Maintaining contact with the various groups in the KHG, collaboration in the network team of the groups
– Bring their concerns to the local council
– Communicate actions and decisions of the local council in the groups and in the KHG community
– Exchange with the ESG
Representative for international students
– Maintain contact with international students
– Ensure that international students also feel addressed (e.g. through English translations, English-language programmes, Café International, etc.)
– should speak English very well